If you've been around the "online world" a while, you know that "content is king" -- after all, it's generally expected that you should:
* publish a weekly/biweekly email newsletter
* "touch" your clients in offline ways
* post 2-3 times a week to your blog
* host your own teleseminars and be guests on others
* contribute daily to Facebook and Twitter
and the above is all *at a minimum* and we haven't even discussed videos.
Assuming you're here to connect and build relationships with others in a true and meaningful way (and if you're not, you may as well stop reading now) and aren't in it for the "quick sale", where do you find all the information to post/send out?
After all, the quickest way to build your expert credibility is to share "expert" information with others.
So how do you "know what you know" in order to share it with others who are looking for that very info?
Here's one of my favorite strategies. . .
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